Suralink - Thought Leadership: EX

How to Harness Technology to Improve Employee Experiences and Firm Performance

In the accounting industry, where precision, efficiency and collaboration are paramount, a positive employee experience (EX) is crucial for fostering engagement, productivity and retention. Ryan Smith, VP of Customer Success and Support at Suralink, elaborates.

Employee experience encompasses all aspects of an employee’s journey within an organisation, including their interactions, workplace culture, work environment, and the tools they use to perform their tasks.

As firms continue to modernise and evolve, enhancing the employee experience will continue to be a top priority. A supported and motivated team is a key factor in the success of the firm–and technology plays an important role. 

Ryan Smith

VP of Customer Success and Support at Suralink

Current Trends: Hiring and Retention, Remote Work, and a Tech-Savvy Younger  Generation

In the last few years, many accounting firms have begun to face significant challenges in hiring and retaining employees. The competitive job market means that candidates have numerous options, and firms must stand out to attract top talent. Additionally, the industry’s traditional way of operating has led to high turnover rates, as employees seek a better work-life balance and more growth opportunities.

Manual tasks, which can be tedious and time-consuming, further exacerbate feelings of burnout and dissatisfaction. Staff accountants and auditors are often buried in paperwork and repetitive data entry, rather than more strategic, value-added work such as client advisory services or taking on additional clients. This scenario is all too common, highlighting the need for firms to streamline operations and leverage technology to alleviate the burden on employees.

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The rise of remote work has fundamentally transformed the employee experience in accounting. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this shift, forcing firms to adapt quickly to new ways of working. Employees now demand greater flexibility, valuing the ability to work from anywhere and maintain a better work-life balance. Firms that offer remote work options are more likely to attract and retain talent, particularly among younger generations who prioritise flexibility and autonomy.

On top of that, younger employees, having grown up with technology, are less willing to engage in manual, repetitive tasks. They expect intuitive, efficient digital tools that enhance their productivity and streamline their workflows. Companies that fail to meet these expectations risk alienating a significant portion of the workforce – a risk they cannot afford to take, considering the number of accountants set to retire in the next few years. Embracing technology not only caters to these tech-savvy employees, but also fosters a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

Sustainability and scalability have become critical considerations for modern accounting firms. Organisations are increasingly focusing on creating sustainable practices and scalable operations to ensure long-term success. However, achieving these goals is challenging with unhappy employees and outdated, manual processes. Investing in technology to improve the employee experience is a key strategy for building a sustainable and scalable business model.

How Technology Helps: Removing Barriers and Enabling Collaboration and a Better Work-Life Balance

Technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing collaboration within accounting firms. Tools like video conferencing, instant messaging, and project management software facilitate seamless communication and teamwork, regardless of geographical location. By breaking down barriers to collaboration, technology enables employees to work together more effectively, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Tech solutions help remove barriers that hinder productivity and efficiency. Automation tools, for example, can handle repetitive tasks such as data entry and reconciliation, freeing employees to focus on more strategic, creative, and fulfilling work. This not only boosts productivity but also enhances job satisfaction, as employees feel more engaged and valued.

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Implementing technology to streamline processes can significantly reduce working hours.

Automated systems and AI-driven tools can perform tasks faster and more accurately than humans, allowing employees to complete their work in less time. This reduction in workload helps prevent burnout and promotes a healthier work-life balance, contributing to a more positive employee experience.

Moreover, offering cutting-edge technology and a tech-friendly work environment appeals to younger generations, who are more likely to stay with firms that embrace innovation and digital transformation.

Happy Employees Lead to Happy Clients

It’s important to remember that employees are humans first! When employees are engaged, motivated, and equipped with the right tools, they are more productive and provide better service to clients. This, in turn, enhances client loyalty and drives business growth. Technology is a key enabler of this positive feedback loop, helping accounting firms create a thriving ecosystem of happy employees and satisfied clients. 

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What is Suralink Doing to Help?

Suralink measurably improves the employee experience with features that streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and reduce manual tasks – all of which empowers employees to achieve more with less effort. When firms support their staff by providing them with the right technology, they feel valued, motivated, and equipped to succeed.

Embracing an open ecosystem is another crucial step towards improving the employee experience. By integrating various technology solutions, firms can create a seamless and cohesive digital workplace. Suralink’s integrations with other best-in-class accounting software will further enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. 

Leading technology companies like Validis, DataSnipper, and Trullion are making significant strides in improving the employee experience in accounting. Whether that’s through data extraction and standardisation solutions that reduce manual data processing, or intelligent automation for audit and assurance processes, this technology is streamlining workflows and increasing efficiency. By leveraging these innovative solutions, accounting firms can enhance their operations and create a more positive employee experience.

We continue to do research and validation around integrations with advanced collaboration tools, automation platforms, and AI-driven analytics in the hopes that we can further enhance productivity and employee satisfaction. 

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The Takeaway

In today’s rapidly changing industry, technology is not a luxury, but a necessity. Accounting firms must prioritise the employee experience to remain competitive and drive sustainable growth. By leveraging technology to enhance collaboration, remove barriers, reduce working hours, and improve hiring and retention, firms can create a thriving workforce. A focus on employee experience not only leads to happier, more productive employees but also translates to better client satisfaction and business success. Investing in technology and continuously improving the employee experience is a strategic imperative that delivers tangible ROI and sets the foundation for long-term success.