Praxity - Case Study: ESG Certifications

Why Certification Makes a Difference

Communicating to external parties about corporate policy, responsibility initiatives and social measures has never been more important. With investors increasingly looking towards non-financial disclosures to assess the true value of a company, confidence depends on a firm’s credibility and the direction of their governance. Giovanna Bernal, Partner at Prime Solutions, and Robin Clempson, Director of Marketing at Albert Goodman, explain.

Certifications in non-financial areas can verify and measure what is being done, fostering communication and transparency. This looks different in different markets, with different concerns taking precedence. Prime Solutions in Panama and Albert Goodman in the UK have taken steps to address these challenges.

Reasons for Action

In the UK, after great public scrutiny of business practice, companies of many sorts were keen to demonstrate what they were doing to make their actions more sustainable. This led to claims being made and targets being set that were never realistic, and as such were hidden behind opaque disclosures or misleading statements. As such, verifying the sustainability of corporate direction has become crucial.

In Panama, investor confidence had been shaken by the “Panama Papers” case making global news, thereby unfairly implying that the territory was a haven for money laundering and unscrupulous accounting. As a result, the country now has some of the strictest accounting laws in the world, as firms there seek to restore the reputation of the economy.

Albert Goodman, of Somerset, UK, have achieved BCorp certification to verify the work they are doing in ESG, CSR and DEI metrics. B Lab, a global non-profit organisation, aim to change economic systems to support a vision of an inclusive, equitable and regenerative global economy. They have stringent, developing standards that companies must adhere to, verifying their work over the course of 18 months to achieve initial verification, then submitting to an audit every three years subsequently. The level of transparency required to attain this is very high, demonstrating a strong commitment from the firm.

Prime Solutions, of Panama City, have been towards the forefront of the industry’s response to the so-called “Panama Papers”. An unfortunate misnomer that sees a whole region marked out for the actions of one rogue firm, nevertheless the revelations led to sweeping regulatory change. Prime Solutions has been certified in Anti-bribery management systems ISO 37001, which is a hugely exacting standard requiring a high level of technical work. The firm commits to ongoing training in anti-money laundering and anti-bribery, certifying the transparency and rigour of their work to a standard far beyond legislation.


Inherent challenges include both maintaining the standards that got the firms the certification in the first place and in communicating the edge that it gives them in the marketplace. In addition to this, there is always the accusation of cynicism; because a sustainability certificate can attract investment, any suggestion that this is the true motivation undermines the certificate’s aim. It can also be hard to differentiate a credible, verified measure from onethat simply purports to be, especially to an external audience that may be inexpert. The sheer work involved also means that firms below a certain size can be excluded from consideration.


Robin Clempson,
Director of Marketing, Albert Goodman

I feel like it’s a clear indicator of what our firm is about, making it easier for businesses that share these values to work with us. Because the bar to get the certification is quite high, and with the need to re-certify every 3 years, I don’t think other firms will get B Corp status unless they are fully committed. We hope it could be a powerful differentiator for us.

Robin Clempson,
Director of Marketing, Albert Goodman

In Panama, the written AML assessment tool that Prime Solutions helped author has been widely used in the jurisdiction. In recognition of this and of the other measures within the jurisdiction, the country was removed from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) grey list in October 2023, going a great distance to restore investor confidence.

Giovanna Bernal,
Partner, Prime Solutions

For our firm, obtaining ISO 37001 certification really shows how committed we are to doing the right thing in everything we handle beyond just financial matters. This certification is about more than compliance—it's about building trust with our clients and making sure they know we’re serious about preventing bribery and working with integrity.

Giovanna Bernal,
Partner, Prime Solutions

Future Developments

Albert Goodman have made personal development a key part of their professional offering to candidates. In 2022, the firm were named as the best accountancy firm to work for in the UK, with the BCorp certification building on that. The firm is committed to progressive models of governance and ensuring that learning and development continue at an above-average rate. This communicates a top-down vision that sees the firm as more than just a business, prioritising the wellbeing of its employees and attracting the best talent.  

For Prime Solutions, as part of their ongoing commitment to ethical business practice above and beyond legislation, the firm has become a legally certified “Compliance Company” in Panama. One of less than twenty companies with the certification, the firm helps to provide ongoing training to other sectors and industries, in a measure that improves investor confidence in businesses all over Panama. This commitment to excellence in one of the most stringent operating environments in the world demonstrates the level of change enacted, in a region that is experiencing incredible annual growth.