As part of the World Survey questionnaire, the IAB once again collected information in regards to the number of female staff and partners. This year saw a much greater uptake of networks and associations providing information on the amount of female staff they employ.
For the networks and associations which did submit this information, there was 1.9m female staff members compared to 81,977 reported last year.
For this year, it shows that almost half (45.32%) of staff members are female. However, there is a much greater gap when it comes to partner level, with only a fifth (20.34%) of partners being female.
While it is a slight increase on those reported last year, which showed women as making up 17.38% of total partners, there is still a long way to go for the profession to increase the amount of women it has at partner level.
Female staff 2019
Female Partners 2019
*Data only taken from Networks and Associations who submitted female staff figures |
Female staff 2018
Female partners 2018
Source: International Accounting Bulletin