Editor's note

Issue 643 • March 2023

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Unveiling IAB’s accounting industry rankings saw double digit growth

During March 2023, International Accounting Bulletin unveiled the World Survey 2023 in a meeting to over 60 accounting industry C-Suite and senior heads of practice. 

This year’s World Survey 2023 ranked 51 global accounting Networks and Associations. FY22 saw an increase of 11% in fee income for Networks bringing the total to just over $253,701m, and an increase of 7% for Associations bringing total fee income to just over $32,959m. There has also been significant change in the Network rankings due to Firm movements in the year. 

Do read the findings here 

In this edition’s Talking Heads Q&A, I speak to Chairman Bill Hagaman and CEO Marco Donzelli about how the two are cooperating to create a new strategic vision for HLB International’s growth; Russell Bedford Brazil’s Roseangela Peixoto discusses the need for leadership to navigate a multi-generational workplace and the needs of clients; an expert from FloGas cautions against business greenwashing; a panel of experts from Aqilla and Tax Systems speak about embracing equity and accountability in honour of International Women’s Day; Kreston’s Laurent le Pagolec and Christina Tsiarta propose Triple Capital Accounting as a benefit and highlight a number of methodologies; Nick Jackson of Oracle describes trends in the role of the finance team in 2023; specifically targeted at SMEs, PrimeGlobal’s B Corp initiative sees the launch of a new ‘how to’ workbook, "Let's Use Our Partnership to Create Better Business Models for a Better World’; and Chrisol Correia of Facctum explains how Open Finance could greatly improve competition and democratise the financial services sector.

There are also US and Canada rankings report with staff and fee tables. Do also read the usual news round-up.  

We look forward to all our engagements with you throughout this year. Please do get in touch and share your plans and themes with our readers.  

Zoya Malik